Brain Sherap 3.0 app


The Brain Sherpa - Reaction Time Test is the first hand held app that assesses and monitors cognitive readiness.

With proprietary algorithms, Brain Sherpa can provide valuable insights into your focus, mental fatigue and cognitive flexibility.
Many aspects can interfere with your ability to process information and respond quickly.

On the other hand, many companies are selling products that are advertising, increase focus and reduced mental fatigue.

Do these products actually work? How do these protocols that you want to try really effect you?

In your hand you now possess the answer. Not only does the Brain Sherpa give you a Morning Cognitive Performance / Mental Readiness Score. 

The app can help you determine WHAT aspects of your daily life can reduce or increase your cognitive performance.

This app is designed for people who are looking to maximize cognitive capacity but also as a measure to recognize the possible cognitive slowing that can arrive with over work, mental fatigue, long covid and sleep deprivation. 

A virtual Brain Fog Meter.. in the palm of your hand. And Brain Sherpa will help guide you through the fog.

Sherpa is a Tibetan ethnic group primarily residing in the Khumbu region of Nepal. They have become synonymous with mountaineering in the Himalayas. Their intimate knowledge of the mountains, exceptional physical endurance, and unwavering dedication make them indispensable guides for climbers seeking to conquer the world's highest peaks.

The Sherpas' unique blend of personal and professional qualities has made them indispensable figures in the world of high-altitude mountaineering. Their expertise, resilience, and unwavering dedication to their craft continue to inspire climbers and shape the future of Himalayan expeditions.

We offer you BrainSherpa as our promise to use our expertise to guide you to new heights of cognitive performance.

Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“We've been doing photobiomodulation with Marcelo for almost two months now, and I must say we're doing very well. He's more social, much more talkative, more tolerant of changes in routine, and above all, much calmer....”
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“…He has been very calm. His behavioral therapist has mentioned that he’s been less irritable during therapy and has been able to do the more difficult exercises, especially those involving fine motor skills (he has low muscle tone). He's been trying hard and hasn't asked for help.”
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
"I started using the band 14 days ago... She is now falling asleep at 10 PM and waking up at 6:30 AM. I'm happy, we hadn't slept well in a long time. I feel she's calmer, and I notice she pays more attention to many things."
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“Two months of photobiomodulation. There used to be several strong crises every day for a long time. Now, it’s just one crisis a day. And today, we’ve had 3 days without any crisis.”
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“It seems to be reducing his irritability… Now, he’s less irritable, gets frustrated less often, and seems clearer in his thinking and understands things better.”
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“He called my sister in Mexico on a video call without telling me… my sister was really surprised! He’s been doing really well, in a good mood, attentive, and less anxious.”
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“A lot of positive changes… longer sleep duration, more tolerance to frustration, and shorter moments of anger."
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“His teachers at school noticed better attention. He no longer gets up without being asked... There’s also more intention to speak and better sleep quality.”
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“The outbursts have decreased, and it’s been 3 weeks without one. Their outbursts involved yelling, bitting, and self-harming.”
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“He has maintained control over nighttime potty training. For the past three weeks, the sheets have stayed clean…It’s been one week since he’s been more affectionate... Lately, he’s been even more loving.”
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“Starting on the 3rd day, his mood began to stabilize. By the 4th day, everything returned to the usual calm... 5th day, he was able to go back to school.”
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“I love using the wraps/bands morning and night as they're so easy while lying in bed. It's an excuse to stay in bed a bit longer. People tell me I'm "glowing" - looking better  - and I feel calmer. My sleep is a little better.”
Loved Ones Share Their ProNeuroLIGHT Stories
“When I use the device before I go to bed I find it much easier to fall asleep. I also feel like I’m calmer and less anxious.”